July Monthly Goals

Am I the only one that didn't even notice that it was July yet? Where did June run off to? 

I'm taking part in the Monthly Goals Linky Party 

Let's see how my June goals went

June Goals

  • Get out of the house once a week to go read/work on blog - No such luck on this one. My anxiety had been particularly bad this month, but now I have a better handle on it and I'm feeling good!
  • Make some kind of process in my office - that room is really a disaster  Some kind of progress is any kind of progress, right?

  • Go to the gym on the weekends - To be honest, I'm not surprised this didn't happen.
  • Remember to take my damn multivitamin. I always forget, and I need to take it with food or it makes me nauseous - This is a half win I suppose. I took it about half the time.

Blog/Social Media  
  • Write 2 posts a week - No such luck here. This month was another rough one at work, and once I get home, the last thing I want to do is more "work". This needs to change. It's time to hustle!
  • Finish reading Building a Framework - I'm soooooo close! 
  • Have 500 Instagram followers - this may not sound like a lot, but it's a lot to me! - I knew this one was going to be a bit challenging for me. I'm not the best at taking photos, but I've definitely come a long way and learned some things. 

Looking at how many goals I didn't achieve this month, I feel like a huge failure! That means it's time for me to kick July's ass! I have a friend visiting from out of town next week, so the first week of July should be jammed packed and will hopefully set me up for a great month to follow. What I've realized about my failed goal attempts is that I need to schedule more. Not scheduling things, actually writing them down or putting them in my digital calendar, isn't helping me to achieve these goals!

July Goals

  • Book an appointment for my next tattoo 
  • Get out of the house once a week to read/work on my blog 
  • Make decor plans for one room in the house (the friend I have coming to visit will help with this)
  • Go fishing
  • Go to the driving range

  • Take a minimum of 8,000 steps on weekdays and 10,000 steps on weekends 
  • Go to a fitness class 
  • Make a meal plan for the following week every Sunday

Blog/Social Media

I'm ready to crush these goals!
What are your goals for July?

Take a look at my other monthly goals here 

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