Morning Habits That Will Lead to a Successful Day

The morning is the best time for you to be productive. When you start your day on a positive note, the rest of the day should follow suit.  Find out daily habits you can add to your morning routine that will lead to success!

I’m not a morning person. I’d much rather hit the snooze button 3 times than hop out of bed and start the day.

Unfortunately, I have no choice but to leave my snuggly dogs behind and crawl out of bed.

The morning is the best time for you to be productive! When you start your day on a positive note, the rest of the day should follow suit.

The first thing you can do to ensure you have a successful morning (leading into a successful day) is starting the night before.

Check out my post about the Ultimate Night Time Routine and you’ll be sure to start the morning stress free!

Once you wake up and manage to drag yourself out of bed, here are 5 more habits you can create that will lead to a successful day.

Review and Focus on Your Goals //

We all need to have goals. They don’t have to be big scary goals, but they have to be goals.

One of my favorite sayings is “only dead fish go with the flow”. If you have no goals, where are you going?

The morning is a perfect time for you to review and focus on your goals to make sure that everything you do during your day will bring you closer to achieving them.

Write these goals down, put them on a sticky note on your fridge, on your mirror, on your nightstand. Remind yourself of them all the time.

I keep my goals written down in my planner and I make sure I look at them each morning before making my daily to-do list.

The morning is the best time for you to be productive. When you start your day on a positive note, the rest of the day should follow suit.  Find out daily habits you can add to your morning routine that will lead to success!

Repeat 10-15 Positive Affirmations //

I could preach the benefits of positive affirmations all day long!

You might feel silly saying them at first, but trust me - they’ll pay off in the end and seem less silly over time.

Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself things like “I am successful. I am strong. I am beautiful” or anything else that you’ve been struggling to believe about yourself lately.

Get rid of all that negative self talk and replace is with awesome statements. Trust me girl, you’re a rockstar, now start believing in yourself too!

Visualize with 10-15 Images that Inspire & Motivate You //

Research shows that visualization works in two ways.

  1. It builds up feelings of confidence, because as you're imagining the successful outcome of your goals, that feeling of success becomes familiar to you.

  2. Your brain can’t tell the difference between imagined and physical. When you’re visualizing a physical activity, all the same pathways get fired up in your brain as they would if you were actually doing that physical activity.
Pretty neat, isn’t it?

Visualizing with actual images makes it easier to imagine, rather than depending on your imagination to do all the work for you.

Consider creating a vision board and hanging it somewhere in your home where you would see it often.

Your vision board could be full of pictures of nice houses, fancy cars, dream vacation spots, a toned body, a picture of a happy family - anything you want to achieve or obtain in your life!

The morning is the best time for you to be productive. When you start your day on a positive note, the rest of the day should follow suit.  Find out daily habits you can add to your morning routine that will lead to success!

Read or Listen to Personal Development //

There's always time for some personal development! We are never done learning or growing as individuals.

Starting the day with a chapter from a self help book or listening to a podcast on your commute to the office is a sure fire way to have a successful day!

Some of my favorite personal development books are:

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Think and Grow Rich

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Favorite Podcasts:

The Lavendaire Lifestyle

The Minimalists Podcast

Happier with Gretchen Rubin

Optimal Living Daily

Write Down a Few Things You’re Grateful For //

Start your day by grabbing a notebook (or your phone) and writing down things that you are grateful for.

Doing this will not only give you an instant feeling of positivity but if done regularly it also forces you to break the habit of negative thinking.

There are so many things in our lives that we have to be grateful for. Take the time in your morning to choose to be grateful for those things.

What does your morning routine look like? Let me know in the comments!

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